The film follows on from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Purl following the captivating cliff-hanger with Jack Sparrow being swallowed up by large sea creature known as the Kraken. Fortunately, all is not lost. He's only in Davy Jones' Locker and we see Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann reluctantly team up with a shockingly alive Captain Barbossa revealed in the previous movie.
Meanwhile, Lord Becket has captured Davy Jones' heart. He is using his control over Jones and his ship, the Flying Dutchman, to set up a final confrontation. To stop him, a meeting of the Pirate Lords is called, and since Jack is one of them, they must rescue him.
The Film
As for the film itself, for the most part the film was really good but at times it became pretty confusing and at other times it simply dragged on a bit too long. There were definitely a lot of things happening throughout the film and some interesting, unexpected plot twists. Like the first two films there was a lot of humour, some of which was genuinely funny, but quite a bit of which was too silly to really be funny.
I would have to say that Pintel and Ragetti are by far the funniest characters in the film. Like I said though, one of the films failures was the amount characters they had to fit into the story, some of which just became pointless. It seems to be the way with film sequels that they always try to out-do the previous movie and try too hard, usually without great success.
One of the better aspects of the film would have to the action sequences; the special effects were great on the whole and were better than in the second film. The fight and battle scenes were extremely inventive and well put together. The film itself was probably more violent than the second movie. There were a couple of things that while not exactly violent were still rather disturbing, but not too concerning.
However, unlike the first two films there are a lot of scenes which didn't not have much action in it and dragged on slightly, but this wasn't that bad and the film never became boring. Other good things about this film is that it addresses and explains many things from the 2nd film and also links back to the 1st leaving the film feeling well concluded whilst also leaving the possibility for another sequel.
As usual Depp was great but the true star of the film has to be Geoffrey Rush. Knightly played her character well for the most part but there were some parts of the film which didn't appear right, i.e. when she was leading a battle cry in the final scene. Bloom's character was seemingly different to the previous two films, but as I said earlier the film veered into many unexpected twists and new directions.
Additional characters such as Sao Fend played by Chow Yun-Fat seemed rather pointless. As I said earlier Pintel and Ragetti were extremely funny in this film.
The music, like in the previous two films worked well and blended in with most scenes. Pretty much what you expect from Hans Zimmer who has composed music for Gladiator and Batman Begins.
Overall I really enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean 3, but it wasn't as good as the second film. The actions scenes were great and the plot was interesting and innovative although I feel the film tried too hard to top the first two films and so, made the film too long and with too much going on.
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